Monday, April 19, 2010

I've sucked a lot of snot today!

For those of you who've never had a baby with a cold who can't feed because of snot, this sentence probably sounds very strange and totally gross.


But is has been snot mainly that has kept me away from blogging the past few weeks.

Patient 1 - Toddler
Patient 2- Daddy (the worst patient of all - man flu!!)
Patient 3 - Baby

Check out the very supportive site for tips on how to cope with the dreaded disease.

They didn't all get sick one after the other either, they were like a snowball getting bigger and bigger as it rolls down the hill.

In the midst of that I also had an infection in my stomach. That I could manage, the effects on baby were much harder. Of course seeing my baby girl can't talk yet she couldn't help me narrow down whether her grumpiness and even worse, her refusal of my boobs was linked to the cold or the antibiotics. Or even better still is there another cause of her sudden change of well ............ everything?

I can tell you this, having your baby kick and scream when you're trying to breastfeed her is devastating. It tops any rejection from any past boyfriend, and I've had a few "how will I ever live without him" break ups!

Maybe tomorrow my boobs will be back on the menu.

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