Friday, January 8, 2010

Your Breast Friend!

So the latest story for us to think about today is some Norwegian study has decided that formula is just as good as breast milk. A far cry from the ever popular saying "Breast is best!".

Breastfeeding -
Now I am in the midst of breastfeeding my 3 month old girl, my second baby, and I must admit I am feeling a huge pull towards the temptation of formula. Far from convince me that this was ok and I should go ahead and ween, this story actually put me back on the breast feeding band wagon. It wasn't the study but a doctor commenting on the findings who reminded me of a great benefit of breast feeding, the weight loss! Having just made my New Years resolution to lose 4kgs by Good Friday I can do with all the help I can get.

I have to be honest though and admit that the second time around I have considered the formula option so much sooner. For my first baby I loved breast feeding and I loved the time it gave me with my baby and the fact only I could do it. This time with a toddler to manage the feeding experience is much more chaotic at times and sometimes becomes yet another task I have to try and get done. If I could give bub a bottle and someone else could do it, wow what freedom I would have and how much easier it would be to do what I need to do.

Now don't get me wrong, when I say freedom, I don't mean freedom to go out partying or shopping or drinking, I mean freedom to do my housework or go grocery shopping or put my toddler on the toilet. Not to mention my boobs might come back from down around my knees to a little closer to where they started from!

I wouldn't say I feel guilty about these feelings but I do feel disappointed that I have them so early. With my first bub my milk ran out at 4 months and I was devastated. It's such a different experience and I didn't expect it to be this way.

Just the past few weeks we're used a few bottles of formula because we were worried bub wasn't getting enough due to sudden night waking and my inability to express much more than a shooter of milk! Thankfully after the craziness of Christmas and lots of change all has settled down and we are back to boob only.

For now though, not matter what any study or expert says I'm going to do my best to stick to Mother Nature and keep up the breast feeding for as long as I can. If there is a benefit then my baby will get it and it might just help me hit my weight loss goal too. Maybe just maybe I might even make the most of both worlds and sneak in the odd bottle of formula here and there to get just a little piece of freedom.

Most importantly I'm going to do what works for me and my family and do my best to ignore anyone else who thinks they have some important opinions on our choices.


  1. I decided after 3 months of breast feeding to give our bub 1 forumla bottle a day. To be honest, I felt like I was cheating but I too felt the need for some "freedom". Plus my husband was mad keen for some extra one on one time with his baby girl. Turns out it was a good decision for us, as a family. Six months down the track we are now up to 3 formula bottles a day (as I return to work in 2 weeks ... hmmmm) and she feeds from me the other 3. Hearing other stories, I feel lucky we had s smooth transition but best of all I enjoy making "my" choices.

  2. You are so lucky that you can continue both Nadine, you get the best of both worlds. Most importantly it works for you! Good luck back at work, I hope you don't miss your beautiful girl too much
